Monday, August 9, 2021

Math Practice


Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives?
1.What is called set?
    a. collection of objects 
    b. Collection of well defined objects
    c. Collection of definite and well defined objects 
    d. Collection of large number of objects  
2. How many types of sets are there?
    a. Two types
    b. Three types 
    c. Four Types
    d. All are right
3. Which are the types of Sets?
    a. Finite  and infinite sets
    b. Null set, finite set and infinite set
    c. Null set, unit set, finite set and infinite set
    d. All are wright
4. What is called overlapping sets?
    a. Sets having common  elements
    b. Sets having large numbers of elements
    c. Sets having different elements
    d. Sets having common elements
5. What is called disjoint sets?
    a.  Sets which are connected 
    b. Sets having different elements
    c. Sets having single elements
    d. sets not having common elements
1.  If U={a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h}, A={a,b,c.d}, B={c,d,e,f,g} and C={e,f,g,h} then find 
    a. AUB with suitable Venn-diagram
    b. AꓵB  suitable Venn-diagram
    c. AꓵC  with suitable Venn- diagram.
    d. AUC with suitable Venn-diagram
2. Answer the given questions.
    a. What do you mean by universal set?
    b.  What is called union of two sets ?
    c. What do you mean by intersection of two sets/?

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